A very European chic photo of the adorable city of Rothenburg.
Here's the journaling I've been doing:
Frietag 02.10.2009 (day 18) -- with contributions from Ray making his writing debut!
Friday was a day of ping pong. After spending an hour or so at the office catching up on email, we headed to a local mall (about 20 minutes away) for some “real life” lessons with our German tutor. What did 5 hours get us at the mall? Lotion… and that’s it (plus the Chinese food we had for lunch). At 3 p.m., we rushed back to the office so Ray could make a call back to Chicago… then headed back to the town with the mall to visit Toom (the largest grocery store in the area, and the only one that carries refried beans). If you’re counting, that’s day #2 at the same grocery store. We’re a little obsessed with buying food—but generally never more than 10 Euro at a time. After securing some incredibly good cheap cookies and more beans, we headed home… just in time to find that Chicago had been eliminated as the 2016 Olympic city. Happy to see Rio & South America finally host a summer games, we were sad to think about all the friends and family that would have visited us in Chicago had the games been held there. I guess it’s nice we didn’t have to pay more taxes, either. But… oh the fun it would’ve been! After a smorgasbord dinner, we are packing and getting ready for a weekend in Bavaria with our friends Nic and Alison. Overpriced drinks and food, here we come! (for the record, every real German we told that we’re going to Munich for Oktoberfest laughed at us while following that with a lecture on how much money we’ll spend on something that is worth only a quarter of the price).
Samstag 03.10.2009 (day 19)
What a fun day! Today marks two things: the connecting of the east and west sides of Germany (fall of communism), and our friends Nic & Alison coming to visit! We left our place shortly after 8 this morning to head through Frankfurt south to meet them in a town called Würzburg. This town is known for its very baroque castle… but we weren’t super impressed. The area was cute, but the castle itself seemed rebuilt and not too charming in terms of age and detail. We ate lunch at this great Greek restaurant where we consumed plenty of potatoes and had our first beers of the day… dunkel beer = dark beer. Off we went after lunch to another town called Rothenburg—located on the Romantic Road drive. We walked the streets and walked on the town wall (stairs lead up to the steep, narrow walkway that looks down on houses below). This town was inspiration for the movie Pinocchio and scenes from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang were shot there. There were lots of people and we saw a band playing in the city center, tables everywhere, and desserts. We sampled a “snowball” ourselves (missing the German term…) which seemed to be pie dough strips deep fried with a topping of your choice. After walking the town and checking out the Bavarian-esque culture, we headed further south to München. The normal Autobahn and stops for water closets… and finally the town that will tomorrow present us with the delicious melodies and indulgences of Oktoberfest. We went to our respective hotels and then met again for a dinner and short taxi to a recommended restaurant-- Bachmaier Hofbräu. Many people dressed in Dirndls, Lederhosen, and leathery-strapped capri pants. Our dinner was excellent. On our table: steak with fried egg, potatoes of many shapes and forms, Bavarian potato salad, more potatoes, more processed meat, and pasta arrabiata with grilled onions and jalapenos. That was possibly the best pasta arrabiata I’ve ever had… at a place you’d never think had decent food to begin with. In addition to our beers, we were happy campers. The trudge back to the taxi, then to our hotels… as we were driving to our hotel, we saw two separate firework shows to celebrate the unification of Germany 20 years ago this day.
Sonntag 04.10.2009 (day 20)
The morning started slowly. Nic & Alison were getting used to the time change while we slept in a bit. A quick breakfast, then out the door of our Euro Suites hotel to the train station to meet them in the center of Münich. We found our ways onto the train, went a few stops and were dropped off in the center of town at the Rauthaus = town hall. The buildings surrounding were pretty, the place was packed with many young backpackers, and tourists dressed in Bavarian clothing. We met up with Nic & Alison and headed back to grab some food before heading to the Oktoberfest festivities… the last day of the 16-day celebration for the year! We walked a few blocks from their hotel to the carnival madness. Booths everywhere selling brats, ice cream, all things delicious, and beer. In to the first beer tent we went… and then out. It was pretty packed. We went into another one and sat down to have a drink and very large pretzel. The pretzel was probably equivalent to half a loaf of bread. It could’ve used dipping sauces, but we were happy with our salty snacks. There were bands in the tent playing Bavarian music and everyone seemed to know the dance motions and words. Surprisingly, there were not as many Americans as I imagined. We saw lots of Italians, Americans, Germans, and even some Canadians! Out of that smoky-filled tent and a trip to the water closet later, we headed out for some snacks (ice cream, brats, fries…) and into another tent. We walked out through the carnival and saw some incredible rides. None of those rides seemed safe or a good idea. I have a photo of one swing ride that had to be at least 10 stories tall. We headed back to the Marriott for some TV and resting before heading out to a Trattoria for dinner at the city center. A fun but tiring day landed us back on the train and to our hotel for a good night’s rest. We can now check Oktoberfest off the list of places to visit.
Montag 05.10.2009 (day 21)
This morning we met Nic & Alison again for some sightseeing in the Bavarian countryside (about 30 miles north of the Austrian border… bummer! Another weekend I guess…). We found a road stop to grab some quick pastry breakfast and headed towards the inspiration (castle) for Disneyland’s Cinderella castle. Along the way, we stopped off to grab some goods at the local grocery store and refuel ourselves by walking around the little town of Oberammergau. Our old church back in Redondo Beach and even some new churches we’ve checked out in Chicago all plan to have people visit that town in October of 2010 when the “Passion Play” is performed over a 2-week period. The city itself is known for putting on the play every 10 years as a promise that they made back in history. After the hour walk around the town, we headed to the Disney castle. We grabbed some brats, pizza, and chicken nuggets before heading up the hill to buy the spicy 9 Euro tickets (a piece) to view the inside of the castle for 35 minutes. And even then, we had to either pay for a horse carriage, a bus, or walk up the hill that they estimated to be 40 minutes. Well, we walked. It might have taken 20 minutes, but that is being generous. It was a short walk. When we got to the top, we weren’t impressed much. It was a castle about 100 years old (foundation first set in 1869) and it looked new. Having seen some really charming, 800+ year old castles, we weren’t interested in staying for the tour we paid for. Back down the hill on foot to get our refunds before heading back home… the lovely 6+ hour drive. Sad to see my friends leave, but excited they were able to find time in their vacation to see us. They’re off to Switzerland and all through the south of France before ending in Paris late next weekend. We originally hoped to make it to Paris for dinner with them before they left, but we are strapped next weekend and 3 weekends in a row of intense driving is just wearing on us. Great weekend… now on for a short work week!
This morning we met Nic & Alison again for some sightseeing in the Bavarian countryside (about 30 miles north of the Austrian border… bummer! Another weekend I guess…). We found a road stop to grab some quick pastry breakfast and headed towards the inspiration (castle) for Disneyland’s Cinderella castle. Along the way, we stopped off to grab some goods at the local grocery store and refuel ourselves by walking around the little town of Oberammergau. Our old church back in Redondo Beach and even some new churches we’ve checked out in Chicago all plan to have people visit that town in October of 2010 when the “Passion Play” is performed over a 2-week period. The city itself is known for putting on the play every 10 years as a promise that they made back in history. After the hour walk around the town, we headed to the Disney castle. We grabbed some brats, pizza, and chicken nuggets before heading up the hill to buy the spicy 9 Euro tickets (a piece) to view the inside of the castle for 35 minutes. And even then, we had to either pay for a horse carriage, a bus, or walk up the hill that they estimated to be 40 minutes. Well, we walked. It might have taken 20 minutes, but that is being generous. It was a short walk. When we got to the top, we weren’t impressed much. It was a castle about 100 years old (foundation first set in 1869) and it looked new. Having seen some really charming, 800+ year old castles, we weren’t interested in staying for the tour we paid for. Back down the hill on foot to get our refunds before heading back home… the lovely 6+ hour drive. Sad to see my friends leave, but excited they were able to find time in their vacation to see us. They’re off to Switzerland and all through the south of France before ending in Paris late next weekend. We originally hoped to make it to Paris for dinner with them before they left, but we are strapped next weekend and 3 weekends in a row of intense driving is just wearing on us. Great weekend… now on for a short work week!
Dienstag 06.10.2009 (day 22)
The generosity of the people here amazes us. Every day we go into work, someone either welcomes us with food, treats, or comes in to talk with us in depth about what we’ve been up to the past weekend. Today we had two people come in that are always generous, Karston and Manuela, who offered treats and great conversation. We couldn’t ask for a better situation with better people. German homework started our morning. Our lessons resume tomorrow and we have to catch up with what we’ve been slacking on! We met the India managing director today and we had a nice lunch with him and Lothar at a Chinese food restaurant in Werdohl. Delicious! We had a package of our mail arrive at the company today and spent a good deal of time sifting through. It was a nice treat to get some of our magazines: Forbes, The Economist, NEA Today, and Everyday Food. I was practically drooling on the pages of some of the dishes. I am reminded that I need to try and make polenta soon. It’s always so delicious and it reminds me of the sweet corn ravioli from my favorite restaurant in Redondo Beach – Coyote Cantina. I used to order sweet corn ravioli from them… absolute heaven on a plate. An afternoon of reading magazines (and being condemned for them being in English…) and Ray phoning the company web developer in the states and our work was over. After work, we set out to find some spices for curry tomorrow night. I’m stuck on a recipe from the Martha Stewart magazine that arrived from the states today. We also (finally) got our second Vodafone card working which means we can both be on the Internet at the same time! Imagine that. It only took 3 weeks and the store was 1 mile away with the answers we needed in minutes to get things up and running. We had the best Mexican food for dinner (refried beans, tortillas, salsa, jalapeños) and relaxation. German lessons tomorrow at 9 a.m. I better get some rest so I can install that thinking cap first thing mañana…wait… that’s Spanish…
Mittwoch 07.10.2009 (day 23)
Today was a productive day (that feels good!). We had German lessons for 4 hours and finally got hooked up to the Internet at work—so now I can regularly update photos without wasting our home-Internet cards. Yahoo! I’m still feeling a bit under the weather and that’s not too enjoyable… but I’m a survivor. Our German lessons went okay. Ray and I are starting to get the hang of saying some of the sounds (finally!) and words are coming out faster when we say them. While conjugating verbs is another thing, at least we are proud of a small accomplishment. We had plenty of homework we didn’t really understand because they were of verbs we had never seen before and we were to put together mixed sentences and conjugate the verbs accordingly. But, German isn’t like English in the sense that the sentences are always constructed in the same general order. On a side note, Ray has been very excited about his recent discovery: there is a website online called www.germanwings.com that offers $19 flights (excluding taxes and various other ways they rip you off) to a list of places in Europe and there are a few lists to choose from. The catch is that you have to “blind book” the trip and after you book and pay for it, they tell you what the location you are going to is. If you’ve already been to a city and want to exclude that from the list, you can for $2.50 each location, each way. Since there were two German cities in the mix we had already visited, we excluded them for $20 extra. It’s quite a fun idea and Ray’s been researching, booking the hotel and transportation for when we visit this unknown place. Well, he knows the place, but I don’t. Since we’re in town this weekend for my birthday, we’ll celebrate late next weekend instead and it will be a mystery to me! We’re flying out of Cologne which is about 1-1.5 hours away driving. We leave Thursday the 15th and arrive back in Neuenrade on that Sunday the 18th. I love surprises and I’m excited (but Ray isn’t so good at keeping secrets and I’m afraid that since we still have a whole week before we head out, I’ll find out somehow). Tonight we’re making homemade curry for dinner and possibly getting some haircuts. That should be a learning curve challenge! Good day. I hope tomorrow and our German lessons then will be as successful as today. In case you’re wondering… I miss a few things: American television, my pillow (and bed), obviously family & friends, guacamole, and Tropicana orange juice.
Until next week... B
I love your post and all your detailed journaling. It's amazing how many things you guys are able to see right now! I am so excited for you. We miss you so much and can't wait till you're back in the states so we can visit you in Chicago (Germany's a bit out of our price range). It's so cool and Nic and Allison were there to have Oktoberfest fun with you. I'm dying to know about your secret destination! Have a fabulous birthday weekend. Lots of love,
The Rohde's
I love you guys. Period.
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