Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring in Illinois

We have had some amazing weather lately. It's been so amazing that I've even broken out the shorts. I know. Incredible, right?

In other news, this weather has brought springtime. Animals are out and flowers are blooming rapidly. Since this is my first real springtime, it's been a real joy to witness the gorgeous landscape as the snow is gone and the bright colors appear. It's also pretty cool owning those beautiful flowers.

Here is some animal fun for you. Can you spot the squirrel in these photos?
Terrible, terrible photo... but the beautiful birds are out, too.
This is basically our backyard. If you take the trail from our backyard about 1/4 mile, you find this (and about 4-5 others within a 5-minute walk. We LOVE this area.
We've also seen quite a few of these critters...
And for the blooming flowers. This tree has massive amounts of red buds on the ends that I love waking up to every morning (taken from the master bedroom window).
A series of lovely flowers on our property... (our deck in the background)
There's proof that I was wearing shorts!
Underneath trees...
Rose bush buds coming out for springtime
Here's a happy little bird. And yes, we have that fire hydrant on our property. Our house will never burn down.
And for Easter... here's our decor outside on that red-blooming tree in our front yard...
Happy Easter!!!


Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said... [Reply to comment]

YAY!!!!!! I love this tour of your home! In case we haven't said it enough.....we are JEALOUS. Nik is mad that you have such a cool backyard. I'm stoked that you have a cool playset for when we come out there with Caity. Love your pretty daffodils :) and beautiful trees. Good job wearing shorts it was probably still cold huh?