Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sure, why not?

As elusive as I can be about this whole pregnancy thing, I figured I'd at least add some information about this crazy (yet wonderful) journey. I don't know if I'll do this weekly, though I think it would be a nice reminder later on of the progress made each week. So, here it goes...

How far along?: 15w2d
How big is baby?: A naval orange or softball (about 4 inches, 1.75 ounces)
Maternity clothes?: Not yet... though my clothes are feeling a bit snug lately
Sleep?: Sleeping on my side just fine except for the occasional bathroom break
Best moment of the week?: Letting the news out to family and friends!
Movements?: Nope
Food Cravings?: Not really... though I love fruit! But, it's summer and I've always loved summer fruit.
Aversions?: Orange juice... but it can be tolerated now.
What I miss?: Margaritas, sushi (though I rarely ate it before pregnancy)
What I'm looking forward to?: The maternity pants I just ordered to arrive in the mail!
Anything else?: Not much. I've had an occasional back pain on my right side, but it's sporadic.

What's going on this week?: I wouldn't say a whole lot! I just finished grading for the MA course I taught and I am officially in summer mode. The weather has been insane... thunderstorms and tornado warnings were the excitement of yesterday. The bandage from my surgery has finally been removed for good and I must be cautious to cover it in the sun or it will turn, as my dermatologist said, porcelain white. Hm, no thanks on that one! We're having a date night tonight which usually means Chipotle and a Target trip. :) It's all about the little things, isn't it? I added a baby widget to the top of the blog and a poll on the gender at the right. We have about a month before we have our 20-week ultrasound where we find out the gender! As of now, we don't care what God will bless us with. We are just rooting for a healthy baby who likes to sleep a lot. Wishful thinking, perhaps. Though, the healthy wish is really sincere.


Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said... [Reply to comment]

Yay!!! thanks for the update :) I hope the back pain is only temporary and goes away very soon! I voted too!

Erin Farrell Speer said... [Reply to comment]

Woo-hoo! I voted, too!!!!!!!!!!