Friday, August 23, 2013

18 Months of Serious Joy

This kid.

You guys. We're so thankful. He's been amazing us for 18 months today. Officially a half birthday at 1.5 years. I'm already thinking about birthday party #2. Surely nothing compared to birthday party #1, but I have a few fun ideas to spice up the middle of a Chicago winter... you know... when I like to birth all of my babies it seems.

Just for kicks, I'll share a list of some of our favorite things about Benjamin at 18 months.

  • He climbs up into his high chair (Stokke Tripp Trapp, no straps) and says "bites" when he's hungry
  • The wonderful amount of words he's begun speaking over the last few months. His favorites that he says all. the. time. are "car", "bites", "book", "button", "up", "truck"...
  • Loves to say the owl sound (hoo hoo) when we ask (or sees one in a book) in the quietest, most sweet voice
  • His love for books 
  • When we say "eye", he squints (see picture above) and then attempts to poke our eyes
  • Takes great joy in being in any car (unstrapped) including real cars and his two fake cars
  • How he follows commands like going to get his shoes, picking up the cup, placing toys in the basket, etc.
  • He's finally coming around to eating-- typical kid fare, but at least he's eating more things!
  • How he says "oh" instead of "no" and shakes his head. 
  • Runs to hug us when we ask for a hug and when we walk in the door and says "up"
  • His latest acrobat tricks that will definitely land him in gymnastics this winter
  • His incredible dance moves
  • How he kisses us goodnight and then says "bye" with a wave
  • When he brings me my shoes and puts them on my feet... or brings me his shoes so he can go outside
  • Upon telling him it's bathtime, he walks through the house and up the stairs to the bathroom 
  • How much he loves the new toddler bed we just bought him (not transitioned a deal!) and jumps on it with glee
  • When I tell him we're going to get the mail, gets excited and heads in that direction where he opens and closes the mailbox
  • When he shrieks of excitement as he pushes around a kid cart or sits in the attached cozy coupe at the grocery store
  • That he taught himself how to open the Goldfish container in the cabinet when he wants a snack
  • How tenacious, determined and proud he gets when he accomplishes something he's working at
I will probably come back and add more just because I love this kid so much. He's an absolute light to us and we couldn't be more grateful.

(volume up for this one, it's 7 seconds!)


Mama Bear said... [Reply to comment]

B is such an adorable lovebug!

Mama Bear said... [Reply to comment]

B is such an adorable lovebug!

Veronica said... [Reply to comment]

oh, the 23rd. such a great day for RAINBOWS!!! ;)

What a super duper cutie <3

Lj82 said... [Reply to comment]

Love him so much.

hoo hoo <- what I just said to Grace. Her reply? ":|"

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

oh what a little lovie. so sweet

Alison G. said... [Reply to comment]

I love this! 💗

Brooke said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, boyfriend. Can't get enough of him.

Darcey said... [Reply to comment]

So so sweet :)