Thursday, January 3, 2013

Foodie Resolution Week #1 of 52 : Parmesan Crusted Pesto Grilled Cheese

It's no surprise that this will probably be the easiest of the resolutions I have to tackle. Jillian is on her way via Amazon and I'm honestly scared. I almost want it to be lost in the mail. My husband thinks I sounded crazy referring to Jillian and The Shred as something so nonchalant and obvious... like everyone knows what I'm talking about. From the comments on my last post, you people do know Jillian and her Shred. Eat your words, husband!

I'm going to attempt to post the one recipe I try each week on here. I really want to succeed at this, people!

Here's the first installment of my foodie revolution resolution. No guarantees on this being diet food, either. 
Found here

Verdict: Amazing on all accounts. I used light rye, sharp natural Tillamook cheddar, jarred pesto, butter on the outside and sprinkled on some shaved & shredded fresh parmesan. I don't think I'll ever make a traditional grilled cheese ever again.


Brigitte said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! Love grilled cheeses... Especially gourmet ones :)

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm .... Must try that with some tomatoe soup. Your posts will be good for me as one of my resolutions is to try new recipes