Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Baby Update: Week 20 -- Gender Reveal!

We had the ultrasound on Monday (our anniversary) and it was very exciting. She probably spent 30 minutes just making measurements and checking out our little BOY! It was pretty obvious in that regard. We're thrilled-- though would have honestly been happy with whatever God could have blessed us with. We've still got a ways to go before meeting our little (blond, pale, blue-eyed) man. Hehe. With our genes, these are likely given.
Baby W really liked his arm near his head and had it there for the majority of our time at the imaging center.
I just thought this was crazy cool!
Here's the monthly picture. Here are the past months: Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4 (for comparison).
These are some awesome videos they took of our little guy. He's a mover! I was most amazed by his little heart beating. It's just an incredible, awe-inspiring thing that God could create such a miracle. We're humbled.

How far along?: According to the doctor on Monday, I am measuring 3 days behind our original date. But, I'll keep with the current until I hear otherwise. It's not like Baby W will come on the exact date, anyhow. According to original calculations, I am at 20w1d
How big is Baby?: The size of a cantaloupe -- 6.5 inches long. Baby is also 10.6 ounces. I know the ultrasound technician gave me a closer calculation, but I forgot. It was an intense day!
Maternity clothes?: Mostly. I wear all maternity pants but I still wear some flowing shirts from pre-pregnancy. Now I am officially set. I have 3 different friends who have loaned me clothes and I've bought a few pieces myself. I will be perfect until it gets really cold-- then I might invest in a few large sweaters.
Sleep?: Yes, doing that quite well. Strange dreams are in true form.
Best moment of the week?: Seeing our baby on the screen. I think the coolest part was seeing the 4 chambers of the heart and a strong heartbeat.
Movements?: Yes, but none that are definitive. I feel lots of weird rumbling and bubbles, but no solid kicks-- or none that I am savvy enough to understand just yet. We did see Baby W do a complete somersault on the ultrasound machine and I couldn't feel a thing!
Food cravings?: No, but I have a new love for the Yoplait Delights yogurts. Fresh fruit is also on the list while it's still affordable.
Aversions?: No.
What I miss?: Being more active? Being able to run a mile, or two, or three without my knees hurting.
What I'm looking forward to?: We're looking forward to painting the nursery at some point soon.
Anything else?: Baby is creating all the gross stuff (as to avoid calling it by a name) in its body of which it will excrete when born. Ah, lovely. We were able to see them vividly (spine and ribs) on the ultrasound movements. We even have a video (above) to show the cool details.
This week in history: The Arizona immigration law is still controversial, Obama unemployment bill passed to extend help to jobless.

What's going on this week (with us)?: We've had a fun week so far. Last weekend we headed to Michigan and Indiana for a little Anniversary road trip and this week we're back to the norm. Ray has been working hard and I've been spending more time with friends locally. We went over to our friends, Jim & Kristi's house last night for a game night. We're seeing Bon Jovi in concert this weekend at Soldier Field!!!

We have another doctor's appointment today (my monthly OB). We'll see if there is anything else to report other than my obvious baby weight gain (and maybe ice cream-caused weight gain). :)


Erin Farrell Speer said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations on your little boy! So incredible!

d.a.r. said... [Reply to comment]

Awww baby boy!! You look great!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations from Germany :-)
We are all very happy you.


Team Clancy said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats! That is so exciting to be able to paln for a little guy now. Also, so sorry to hear about your mold. Life isn't about things (as you know with that little guy) but man having your hosue torn apart sure does suck :-)

Solange, Nik, Caitlin and Oliver said... [Reply to comment]

YAY!!!!!! We are sooooo excited for you guys :) He's gonna be a cute little one for sure....I'm gonna go look at cute boy things now!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... [Reply to comment]

Congratulations, how exciting. Love the pictures. :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I just saw the oversize black corduroy chair, anyway you could tell me what make model that is or where you got it?